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Restless Leg Syndrome: Symptoms and Causes

Suffering from leg pain? Don’t let it hold you back from living your best life. Seek medical advice and discover if you are suffering from Restless Leg Syndrome or neuromuscular complications. Take control of your symptoms and discuss with your doctor the use of RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® Electric cell-Signaling Treatments for effective relief. Say goodbye to pain and hello to improved well-being.

Unfortunately, leg pain is a common problem that can affect your ability to walk or stand. While leg pain may be due to a serious injury or overuse, it can also indicate serious medical conditions – including Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) or neuromuscular complications. If you are experiencing leg pain, it is important to seek medical attention to treat the underlying cause and receive proper treatment. RLS and neuromuscular complication symptoms can be very similar and hard to diagnose requiring exams and tests to diagnose the condition. It is recommended that you speak with a qualified healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis.

How to Tell the Difference Between RLS and Neuromuscular Complications

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is a nervous system and muscular problem that causes you to feel unpleasant sensations and an unstoppable urge to move your legs, usually in the calf but may be felt anywhere from the ankle to the thigh and can affect both legs. It causes discomfort that can occur when lying down to fall asleep at night or sitting for a prolonged period. These symptoms include tingling, creeping, throbbing, itching, or pulling sensations. No one knows what causes RLS. It may be due to a problem in the way the brain cells use dopamine, a brain chemical that controls muscle movement.

Neuromuscular Complications involve nerve damage to the peripheral nervous system usually affecting the feet, legs, hands, and arms due to diabetes, exposure to toxic chemicals or chemotherapy drugs, trauma, or idiopathic (no known cause), etc. Symptoms range from mild to disabling resulting in numbness, tingling, burning, sharp pain or cramps, muscle weakness, and other serious foot problems like ulcers or infections, etc. Unlike RLS, neuromuscular complications can affect other parts of the body.

Diagnosing and Treating Neuromuscular Complications and Restless Leg Syndrome

Diagnosing and treating both conditions requires your doctor to review your signs and symptoms, order blood tests, and complete a medical history, and physical exam. In the case of RLS, a sleep study may be done because there are no definitive tests to diagnose this condition. If neuromuscular complications are suspected to be causing the symptoms, an epidermal nerve fiber density (ENFD) skin (punch) biopsy can be done and is considered the gold standard for assessing the progression of neuromuscular complications along with ordering specific blood tests.

Treatment using FDA-cleared RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® Electric cell-Signaling Technology (EcST) is a breakthrough in specific therapeutic electric energy waves used to help relieve pain and other symptoms associated with these two conditions as well as manage many other painful conditions. By delivering targeted electrical energy waves through the body at varying frequencies, the brain and central nervous system are stimulated to assist in the repair process of the damaged nerves and improve symptoms by increasing circulation, reducing pain, relieving muscle spasms, and improving neuromuscular rehabilitation in a safe, non-invasive, effective, non-pharmaceutical way. Individual treatment protocols will depend on the diagnosis and length of time the patient has suffered with the condition. Adding Physical Therapy (PT) to your treatment program can also help improve balance issues, reduce muscle spasms, and strengthen your muscles. Talk to your doctor today to learn more about how the RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® Electric cell-Signaling Treatment (EcST) can help relieve your pain and improve your overall well-being. Never give up HOPE!

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