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Doctor FAQ

An accessory list is available to on the website (, there is also a price list available upon request as well. Which accessory you decide to use is up to you. Electrodes are based on the anatomical treatment area (size, location, condition). Each electrode has the same function – deliver electricity. In theory, use the biggest electrodes to fill the treated area, this allows the most treatment energy at a comfortable level. However, there are specialty electrodes that can be better explained. To better understand when to use a certain type of electrode (there is no WRONG way/electrode to use, just the potential for a better more effective way), the technician needs to understand how the energy flows. Assistance is available, contact RST-SANEXAS.

There are several contraindications which can be found in the RST-SANEXAS Operations Manual on page 5 & 6.

Yes, there are studies utilizing this technology and protocols. They are available via a drop box link. For access to that information, contact RST-SANEXAS and complete the Studies Request Form.

With time and treatment, your symptoms may change; this indicates that you’re responding. A common example is how you may have experienced sitting on your foot and having it go numb; once you move, you experience tingling and some discomfort until it goes away. This demonstrates a lack of signaling in those nerves that is trying to restore to normal function. This response typically occurs after about two weeks of treatments. When this occurs, it is suggested the patient continue treatment and not take a break during that time. This window can possibly last a couple days to a week or so.

Doctor Testimonials

Douglas (Doug) D’Orio, Owner and APN at Anesu Restorative Care

“I can’t say enough good about this treatment system as it has changed my life both personally and professionally. I believe in what this treatment system does and what it will do in the future. Do not be fooled by other treatment equipment that claims to do the same. I have tried them all (and my patients have too) and have found that the RST-SANEXAS system offers the most amount of power and flexibility to break through many chronic pain conditions.”

Douglas (Doug) D’Orio, Owner and APN at Anesu Restorative Care

Denise Miller-Tso – Nurse Practitioner & Owner Atlanta Neuropathy Clinic

RST Sanexas Doctor Testimonial Denise Image

“I have a patient who has chemo-induced neuropathy, she’s been wheelchair-bound since Oct. I began seeing her 2 weeks ago, and at her initial visit, she literally had no sharp/dull discrimination. After her 3rd neoGEN® treatment, she had 90% accuracy in S/D discrimination, and I encouraged her to start working with her PT on walking. They had been working on chair exercises for strength, as she had no idea where her feet were, and struggled with even transfers. SHE WALKED IN YESTERDAY WITH A WALKER!!!! After 4 treatments!”

“It’s the most incredible thing I’ve seen in my professional career.”

- Denise Miller-Tso Nurse Practitioner & Owner Atlanta Neuropathy Clinic

Denise Miller-Tso Nurse Practitioner and Owner of Atlanta Neuropathy Clinic

pic of Denise with machine

“I was first introduced to RST-SANEXAS when I took a staff position at a local pain clinic. I’ll be honest, I was skeptical that any machine could help people who had suffered from years of chronic pain. I didn’t want to be a part of any gimmicks that preyed upon desperate people’s misery, so I told myself that if I didn’t see results, I couldn’t continue to work there.”

“However, I must say, I was absolutely blown away by the RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® treatment results! Within two weeks, I became a believer in the Electric cell-Signaling Technology (EcST). Patients were sleeping better, moving more, and reporting marked improvements in their symptoms. They were feeling hopeful again, regaining a belief that they may not need to suffer or take drugs to “just survive.” I knew then that I wanted to focus on pain management using RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® device.”

“I opened my own clinic, Atlanta Neuropathy Clinic, to do just that. My mission was to create an environment where patients truly felt cared for. I wanted to treat patients the way I’d want my mom to be treated — with patience, warmth, and kindness. As I’ve told my staff from day one, these patients have suffered from chronic pain for years, and it wears on them. It is our job to make their treatment experience as relaxed (and fun!) as possible. We let RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® do the “real work” while we focus on treating patients like family.”

“The CIPN patients at Atlanta Neuropathy Clinic have experienced incredible results from treatment with RST-SANEXAS. Patients report feeling like themselves again, “alive, not just surviving.” They report marked improvements in pain, numbness, burning, and cramping. Their mobility improves. They have hope again. Several of my CIPN patients have been able to wean off their gabapentin or Lyrica. RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® device and treatment protocols are truly life changing for CIPN patients.”

“At Atlanta Neuropathy Clinic we truly believe Relief IS Possible with RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® treatment!”

- Denise Miller-Tso Nurse Practitioner and Owner of Atlanta Neuropathy Clinic

Eric Manalansan, Licensed Physical Therapist at Neuropathy Treatment Clinic of Texas at their Addison, TX

eric manalansan

Member of the Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology and Wound Management of the American Physical Therapy Association

“The use of energy medicine, electromedicine, and Electric cell Signal Technology (EcST) in managing pain, increasing circulation, improving neuromuscular reeducation, and muscular function has been well established through scientific findings and peer reviewed research studies. I worked with RST-SANEXAS creating clinical practice guidelines for physical therapy application of external neuromodulation devices with high safety and efficacy profile. My experience working with RST-SANEXAS stimulated my intellectual curiosity in quantum-based electric medicine and advances in integrative health. I had the opportunity to work side by side and learn from great minds in the industry.”

“Today with treating my physical therapy patients, I employ the use of RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® PT device as part of their prescribed treatment protocol. I have noticed improved outcomes in pain relief, improved muscle movement, and joint function. I use a hands-on therapy technique called ElectroMechanical Transduction (EMT), so I can transfer energy waves while I am attached to the device to help stimulate the muscle area at the same time the patient is receiving therapeutic energy waves from the device. This process is essential for many physiological processes, such as muscle contraction, nerve cell signaling, and sensory perception. Through optimal dosing of movement and alternating energy wave programs, I am able to help modulate pain, increase blood flow, maintain range of motion, and improve neuromuscular reeducation. Functional outcomes are unmatched when combined with physical manual therapy and physics quantum-based, Electric cell-Signaling Technology (EcST) delivered by the advanced RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® PT device.”

- Eric Manalansan, Licensed Physical Therapist at Neuropathy Treatment Clinic of Texas at their Addison, TX

Westside Wellness Center Los Angeles, CA

Jason Kelberman

Hi, I’m Dr. Kelberman. My specialty within the chiropractic field is called Chiropractic Kinesiology. I have treated thousands of painful feet in athletes of all types over the last 38 years. For the last 18 years, I have been helping restore function and balance to people who have had chronic severe pain. The RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® is the most amazing breakthrough device I’ve seen in the last 18 years filling a void in my practice. I now give patients with pain and even with severe numbness HOPE. We are seeing real changes in symptoms that were previously untreatable.

-Jason Kelberman, DC, BCIM

Hope Cancer Center of Nevada – Las Vegas, NV

“I am Dr. Raja Mehdi, Medical Oncologist and Founder of Hope Cancer Care of Nevada. I received my medical degree from Aga Khan University Medical College in Karachi, Pakistan. I completed my residency in Internal Medicine as Chief Resident at Case Western Reserve University at St. Vincent Hospital in Cleveland, OH and went on to practice for more than five years at Comprehensive Cancer Center at St. Francis Hospital in Topeka, KS. In 2009 I started Hope Cancer Care of Nevada to develop more effective methods to treat cancer patients by focusing on the entire individual.

Unfortunately, most chemotherapy produces severe painful side effects such as chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. This common nerve disorder can cause weakness, numbness, tingling and severe pain to the point that many of our chemotherapy patients would rather discontinue their treatment protocol because their neuropathy condition becomes excruciating and intolerable. We refer our patients to Robert Odell, MD, PhD, founder of Neuropathy and Pain Centers of Las Vegas. As a practicing pain management physician, Dr. Odell has extensive experience with a wide range of non-interventional and interventional acute and chronic pain management techniques and uses the RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® device. The majority of patients we referred to Dr. Odell were able to finish their chemotherapy regimen and wean off medications for neuropathy.

Referring our patients to Dr. Odell’s clinic has been a blessing. My advice is to “start the dialogue with your oncologist on seeking treatment for this side effect. When breast cancer patients are receiving chemotherapy, pain associated with neuropathy is gonna happen. Do not wait. Get treatment for the condition. Most patients minimize the side effects because they are dealing with so much. Be proactive and seek a way of controlling the pain associated with neuropathy now before it gets too bad.”

- Dr. Raja Mehdi, Medical Oncologist

Neuropathy and Pain Centers of Las Vegas – Las Vegas, NV

“Over the years, I found that the RST-SANEXAS advanced electromedical neoGEN® device produced favorable results for patients suffering from pain associated with neuropathy and other painful conditions. After becoming an interventional pain management specialist, I was likely the first substantial user of the RST-SANEXAS technology (since 2003). I authored most of RST-SANEXAS research papers in using the quantum-based advanced technology to relieve pain for patients with the most challenging conditions. Our protocol is the gold standard around the country for treating distal symmetric neuropathy. There are many imitating it, but results are always optimized with the use of SANEXAS.

Regarding some of the other pain conditions that I have treated, many of my patients come in as a last resort hoping I can relieve their pain and reduce their pain medications. One diabetic patient suffered with peripheral neuropathy, but her pain got worse when she was bitten on her foot by a recluse spider. After almost giving up on her life, she saw one of my TV commercials and decided she had nothing to lose and called the next morning for an appointment. She was taking a substantial amount of opioids, enough for a 300 pound male, but she was a small, young woman. Her neoGEN® treatments were done twice a week for 4 months. She improved, stopped taking her medications and returned to the active lifestyle she enjoyed. Her hobbies included water skiing, hiking, and she returned to a rescue organization that she volunteered with. She told me, “I am enjoying my life again! Opioid free. Something I never thought would happen! I am me again, doing the things I love.”

As an Anesthesiologist and Interventional Pain Management Physician, I have treated hundreds of patients like her and they have found HOPE. With the RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® device as well as other interventional pain treatments and procedures performed at Neuropathy and Pain Center of Las Vegas, my staff and I take great pride in treating a broad spectrum of debilitating conditions successfully. Our greatest reward is to relieve our patient’s chronic pain, and RST-SANEXAS is a cornerstone of those efforts.”

- Robert H. Odell, MD, PhD.

Neuropathy Treatment Clinic of Oklahoma – Oklahoma City, OK

Together, we have been treating patients with RST-SANEXAS for 3 ½ years and have had incredible results. We have seen things that had thought to be impossible! We had a patient who had a stroke and was in an electric wheelchair for 2 years. Within the last 6 months he not only went from an electric wheelchair to a walker, but he is now running 3 miles a day. Incredible! We have had patients that cannot feel their feet. One patient said that he can now feel the sun on his feet for the first time in years. When you cannot feel something for a long time and feel it again, that is a game-changer on the quality of life.”

- John Watson, NP & Jennifer Martin, DPN, APRN

Marketing Director Neuropathy Treatment Clinics of Texas – Tyler, TX

“RST-SANEXAS and the RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® system really made a positive impact in our community. We serve people in a rural Texas area. We have patients coming in, driving anywhere from 30, 50, and sometimes 100 miles to get treatments twice a week. Our typical results are 85% success rate. How we measure success is that patients have greatly reduced symptoms from pain, numbness, and sharp burning sensations. It is fun to watch them go thru the process of healing. They come in debilitated sometimes having to use assistance to come in the door and graduate from our treatment program not using assistance anymore. We had one patient that was driving 3 hours each way to our clinic. He was a lead engineer of a nuclear power plant. He asked his company for time off and his internist for short-term disability. He would drive in, get a hotel room, and receive treatment. He could not climb to the top of ladders, wear his cowboy boots, or function in his job anymore. After he graduated from our program, he went right back to work, bought new cowboy boots, and completely changed his life. He is our poster child that spreads the news about the RST-SANEXAS technology.”

- Mackey Smith

Chiropractor Medical Wellness – Palm Desert, CA

“When I learned about RST-SANEXAS, it sounded too good to be true. In Jan 2020 we purchased 2 machines and started treating patients. After about 3 months, we had to add another machine because of the overwhelming demand. In January 2021, we added the 4th machine because we were seeing so many people. We are a small office and see between 30-40 patients per day, Monday thru Thursday and we are getting exceptionally good results.”

- Lawrence LeRoy

Loving Hands Podiatry – Bowie, MD

“I started using the RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® device in 2017. My first patient was a 90-year-old gentleman. He had a necrotic wound on his heel. Once I started using the machine on him, within 8 weeks the wound was healed, and he was up walking around, making jokes. His wife was so pleased that the last 6-8 months of his life were quality. If you are looking for a wonderful non-invasive treatment for your patients whether it is for neuropathy, arthritis, or inflammation, this is the treatment machine for you to use. I recommend it highly because it is painless, and patients feel relief almost instantly.”

- Dr. LaVergne Andre

Remed Pain & Wellness Clinic – Dallas, TX

“We are using RST SANEXAS neoGEN® in our clinic and are seeing great success with our patients. However, I have my own personal story. I broke my ankle in November 2021 and was having a hard time with swelling. I decided to give myself a treatment with the neoGEN® device and within a week, I noticed a big difference in reduced swelling of my ankle. Then I took an airplane trip and I experience ankle swelling. I just kept giving myself treatments week after week and I noticed that the swelling got significantly better. It was nice to see that it works on other conditions like edema. It was exciting that it worked, and my ankle got so much better.”

- Jennifer Diaz

Restoration Healthcare – Coeur d’Alene, ID

“Our experience with our RST SANEXAS neoGEN® machine has been very exciting. We just started about 10-11 weeks ago and within 8 days we were filled up with 8 weeks of appointments. Our problem became how do we serve more patients. So, we worked our fannies off, hired more people, and bought another machine about a week ago. We had a lady that couldn’t lift her arm up at all and after the 1st treatment, she was able to have full range of motion in her shoulder. We have gotten a lot busier and a lot of our patients that we have been treating with the RST SANEXAS neoGEN® device for various conditions are seeing big improvements and getting even better results.”

- Dr. Jana Hull

Life Over Pain Neuropathy Center – Midlothian, VA

“We recently opened our practice so are fairly new and purchased our first RST SANEXAS machine in September 2020. We got our 2nd RST-SANEXAS machine April 2021. We are completely full and looking to purchase our 3rd device soon for our 2nd location. We have had phenomenal results with our diabetic patients suffering with pain associated with neuropathy and with patients that have nerve pain associated with chemotherapy. We have one female patient with stage 4 liver cancer that was experiencing numbness and tingling in her hands and feet. She has feeling back in her feet and now we are starting to work on her hands and arms.”

- Janelle Simpson

Neurologic Relief Center/The Spero Clinic – Fayetteville, AR

“I injured my kneecap about a year ago and used the RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® device to treat it. After 1 treatment, I felt relief and a reduction in pain with better movement. We are a healing based holistic clinic and I see about 15 patients throughout a day using the neoGEN® device.”

- Kimberly Araujo

Glacier Pain Relief and Neuropathy Center – Caspal, MN

“I’m new to the RST-SANEXAS procedure and the patients we have had have shown remarkable improvements. We had a guy who had only 4 treatments and was doing so much better. We had a woman that had terrible discoloration in her legs. In the 1 month that I have been working with her, the color in her legs has easily been reduced by 75%. Another lady had reflex and when we did a reflex test, she had a twitch in her knee. After treating her with the neoGEN® device, she is now able to feel tickles in her feet.”

- Libby Wilson

Nature Cure Clinic – Tucson, AZ

“We decided to purchase the RST-SANEXAS machine because we have a lot of patients that have pain associated with neuropathy and they are not getting help anywhere else. We have an older community of residents with pain issues, so we serve much of the elderly population and they are looking for solutions that they aren’t getting from other doctors in the area. We want to reduce our patient’s pain and improve the quality of their lives for the years they have left.”

- Teresa McConnell

Medical Marketing Rep with Quality Patients – Tampa, FL

“I have been having pain in my leg because of a bone bruise from playing soccer. I had my first RST-SANEXAS treatment today and after one (1) 20-minute treatment, my leg feels a lot lighter. What I love about the device is that it is a non-invasive, safe, effective, and non-pharmaceutical machine that has improved the quality of life for many patients including myself.”

- Roland Wegler
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