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How to Use the neoGEN® System – Tricks of the Trade

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RST-SANEXAS is always available to assist a client in need; but until you need us, here are some helpful bits of information you may find useful in utilizing the neoGEN® System. First things first, the neoGEN® device is a quantum-based Electric cell-Signaling Technology (EcST) device. The neoGEN® is a unique electric stimulation device in the fact that is has a couple classifications in TENS, NMES and IFC. This allows the scope of possibilities and the mechanisms of action to be greater than most counterparts, allowing EcST and even ESI (Electric Signal Intonation, based on quarter-tone musical scales). The neoGEN® achieves this with patented AC biphasic asymmetrical sine waves produced by an ultra-high digital frequency generator (UHdfg) and spread spectrum frequency hopping programs for treatment.

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Spread-Spectrum Frequency Hopping Oscilloscope Tracing

“At the beginnings of bioelectricity – more than 200 years ago – high hopes were put on the beneficial effects of electrical currents for the well-being of mankind… At the end of the nineteenth century, electrotherapy was a quite respectable therapeutic modality and “every good American physician” applied some electrical treatments to his patients … In this century the popularity of electrotherapy has oscillated between miracle cures and quackery. With the fast progress of the pharmaceutical industry, electrical treatment lost its appeal and became confined to departments of physical medicine and rehabilitation.”(1)

Scribonius Largus (46AD), Benjamin Franklin (1750), John Wesley (1760), Luigi Galvani (1771), and Antonio Meucci (1850) are all big names we know today – Scribonius Largus was the court physician to Roman emperor Claudiu, Benjamin Franklin for his numerous experiments and inventions as well as the declaration of independence, John Wesley for being the founder of Methodism, Luigi Galvani for his discoveries in the nervous system which led to the voltaic pile, and Antonio Meucci who is now recognized as the inventor of the telephone… But, did you know, all of these men were fascinated with electricity and its relation to the human body and medicine. Some of the inventions we rely on today were created in circumstances around electromedicine. Scientists and inventors like Albert Einstein said, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality” and Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” With that type of thinking, anything is possible.

Galvani explored the ability of electricity to cause muscle contractions by experimenting with dissected frogs. He furthered his experimenting with lightening to ultimately suggest that electricity is inherent in the animals themselves. This was groundbreaking revelations at the time of neuro studies and the growing fascination with electricity. “Galvani went on to hypothesize that this “animal electricity” was produced by the brain and distributed by the nerves to the muscles”. “He also postulated that the nerves must be covered with a fatty insulatory material—a hypothesis that preceded the discovery of that insulatory material (i.e., myelin) by over 60 years”. (2)

Now, there is an understanding that the body produces electrical impulses in order to function in various ways autonomically and somatically. “Nerve and muscle cells are ‘excitable’ because they can react to external stimuli by generating an extremely rapid change in transmembrane electrical potential difference known as the action potential…[and] allow rapid transfer of information along nerve axons in the nervous system” (3)

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Action Potential – The electrical signal conducted along axons (or muscle fibers) by which information is conveyed from one place to another in the nervous system.”(4)

“According to the traditional definition of electric current as flow of electrons, the neuroscientists were forced to define the nerve impulses as ions and, hence, their studies were limited to the electrochemical aspects of the nerve impulses … However, the definition of electric charges as electromagnetic waves of electric potential is found to match the neurophysiologists’ observations of the nerve impulses as a wave of electric activity”, and therefore, “it was possible to recognize the nature of the nerve impulses directly as electric charges that have electric potential”. (5)

“The effect of any electric current in the body is profoundly influenced by the frequency of the applied current. In general, alternating current at frequencies of the order of those used for power distribution have a more pronounced effect on sensation, nerve, and muscle function than direct current and current at higher frequencies.”(6)

The neoGEN devices utilize:
AC Current (Tesla’s Law)
Interferential Current
TENS Current
Powered Muscle Stimulation
Spread Spectrum Frequency Hopping
Frequency (FM) & Amplitude (AM) Modulation
Chaotic Signaling (random & sequential frequency sweeping)
Electric Cell Signaling
Electromagnetic Field (Faradays Law)
Electronic Signal Intonation (Harmonic Resonance – Quarter tone musical scale movement)
Fibonacci Scale Equations
Schumann Resonance according to universal law
Quantum Physics
Solfeggio Frequency

Because it can be used to help patients in a variety of setting for many different conditions, the RST-SANEXAS neoGEN®-Series devices are available by contacting RST -SANEXAS. To find out more information regarding RST-SANEXAS neoGEN® devices and the technology, go to the Science and neoGEN® pages at www.rstsanexas.com

1) Vodovnik, Lojze & Miklavcic, Damijan. (1995). A Theoretical Approach to Perturbation of Biological Systems by Electrical Currents, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine – ELECTROMAGN BIOL ,ED. 14, 51-62 10.3109/15368379509028470.

2) @neurochallenged. (n.d.) NEUROSCIENTIFICALLY CHALLENGED.@neurochallenged. Retrieved August 16, 2022 from https://neuroscientificallychallenged.com/posts/history-of-neuroscience-luigi-galvani

3) Fletcher, Allan. (2022). Action potential: generation and propagation. Anesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine. 23.10.1016/j.mpaic.2012.11.014.

4) Purves D, Augustine GJ, Fitzpatrick D, et al., editors. Neuroscience. 2nd edition. Sunderland (MA); Sinauer Associates; 2001.Glossory. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK10981/

5) Salama Abd Elhady. “Electric and Magnetic Energies in the Human Body”. International Journal of Applied Energy Systems, 2,1,2020,44-52.dol:10.21608/ijaes.2020.169943.

6) M Odell. (1997) The human body as an electric circuit. Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine, 4,1,1-6, ISSN 1353-1311, https://dol/org/10.1016/S1353-1131(97)90001-8.

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